Today we drove over 750 miles on one road. Glorious I-40, which runs (almost) from Sea (almost) to Shining Sea. Blasted through NM, across the Texas Panhandle, got gas just before we got into Oklahoma, and would've crossed OK entirely without stopping except that about 5 miles in I saw a sign for the Roger Miller Museum in Erick, OK, and I had to stop. We got there around noon, and it was about 105 degF. The town looked dead (see picture). The door to the museum was locked, with a post-it attached that said the lady would be back ASAP. We waited in the heat for about 10 minutes, then she arrived and I went in. Admission was $3, but she only charged me $2, maybe because I said yes when she asked if I was a fan. "How much time do you have?" she asked, and when I told her that my wife and dog were waiting outside she said she wouldn't make me watch the standard hour-long video before showing me around (whew!). Since I was the only person there I got a personal guided tour of the place. You guessed it... very impressive. I really wanted to get a commemorative can koozie, but I didn't have any cash so I'll have to try to order one online or something. Meanwhile, Rachel and Daisy got to sit around the streets of Erick, OK for about a half hour. Needless to say, both were ready to hit the road when I got back to the truck.

Downtown Erick, OK.
A state-and-a-half later, we made it to Titus' apartment in Little Rock. For the first time, I'm starting to feel like I'm back in the South (because it's hot and humid and there's lots of bugs).
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